


BatteryInfoView also provides a log window, which adds a new log line containing the battery status every 30 seconds or any other time interval that you choose.

How to check laptop battery health in Windows 10

2022年12月8日 — Now it's time to get to work: type powercfg /batteryreport (make sure there's a space between the two terms) and press Enter. 3.

How to Check the Health of Your Laptop's Battery in Windows

Whether you're still running Windows 10 or upgraded to Windows 11, a Windows battery report will help you keep tabs on the health of your laptop's battery.

How to check your laptop's battery health on Windows 10

2021年9月6日 — How to check your laptop's battery health · Right-click the Start button. · Select Windows PowerShell (Admin).Source: Windows Central.

How to check your laptop's battery health

2023年6月6日 — Perform a Windows Search for CMD or Command Prompt. · Once open, you'll see a command line starting with C: and ending with the name of your user ...

How to generate a Battery Report on Windows 10 and 11

2023年8月9日 — Type the following command to create a battery report on Windows 11 and press Enter: powercfg /batteryreport /output C:-battery_report.html.

一行指令Windows 10免裝軟體查詢筆電電池健康度

2017年10月24日 — 此為Windows內建的檢測功能,只要在搜尋列輸入CMD叫出命令提示字元,於該頁面中輸入powercfg/batteryreport,就會將電池檢查報告Battery report儲存為HTML ...


在電池中Windows · 在電池充電並釋放一定次數後,會減少電池容量。 這表示您需要更常為電池充電,而且電池總容量可能較低。 · 使用裝置時,請確定電池定期漏出低於50%。 這 ...


如何使用Windows省電模式延長電池壽命- ThinkPad, Ideapad.


2023年6月19日 — Windows 10 行動裝置版系統可能需要支援UEFI 充電應用程式和/或其他軟體元件,才能充電電池。 當電池完全充電或發生錯誤時,充電會自動停止。 當電池完全 ...